Ciao! My name is Simone (he/him), and I am an Italian mathematician and science communicator, currently based in Münster, Germany. I am in the third year of my PhD, under the supervision of Franziska Jahnke and Martin Hils at the Institute for Mathematical Logic of the University of Münster. I am also a member of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, where I work part-time for the science communication team.
You can write me an email at [email protected] or at [email protected].

I am host and producer of the podcast On A Tangent: Voices of Mathematics Münster, where I meet early career mathematicians from Münster and explore their journeys towards mathematics.

You can find it on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts, and on Podigee.

I am an algebraic model theorist, meaning that I use model-theoretic techniques to study algebraic objects. I am in particular interested in valued fields, which are fields endowed with a generalization of an absolute value, and their algebra, arithmetics and model theory.

preprints and publications

slides from talks

notes and theses



I am host and producer of On A Tangent, where we tell the stories behind the mathematics. In each episode, we meet a different early career mathematician from Mathematics Münster, and learn about their research, their path towards mathematics, and their hopes for the future. We explore the many different shapes that mathematical research can take, the early memories that led people towards the subject, and try to understand a little bit better the voices that make the mathematical community of today.

You can find it on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts, and on Podigee.


Azul Fatalini

Episode 3: Paradoxical Sets and Ice Cream, with Azul Fatalini
In this episode of On A Tangent, Simone is joined by Azul Fatalini, a doctoral researcher in Set Theory. We learn about how the Axiom of Choice transforms the universes it holds in, how logic is the mathematics of mathematics, and what’s the quickest path to ice cream.

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Mert Bastug

Episode 2: Springs and Memory Alloys, with Mert Bastug
In this episode of On A Tangent, Simone is joined by Mert Bastug, a doctoral researcher in PDEs and Calculus of Variations. We discuss Mert’s first meeting with mathematics, how we can understand materials with the help of PDEs, and where they might take us next.

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Alex Tullini

Episode 1: Oranges and Eclipses, with Alex Tullini
In this episode of On A Tangent, Simone is joined by Alex Tullini, a doctoral researcher in General Relativity. We discuss Alex’s journey towards mathematics, going through oranges, eclipses, and the odd similarities between a career in mathematics and surgery.

Spotify - Apple Podcasts