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Ciao! My name is Simone (he/him) and I am an Italian mathematician and science writer. I am currently based in Trieste.

I grew up near the Alps, then did my PhD in Germany (at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster). I am currently a student of the Master in Comunicazione della Scienza Franco Prattico at SISSA, in Trieste.

I like to tell stories. My main interests are data, tech and society, the politics of research, and how all of this intersects with civil rights and the queer community.

Recent pieces

Lynn Conway: fra rivoluzioni tecnologiche e attivismo

La Falla del Cassero

Being gay in academia: unravelling suffocating contradictions

The PhD Place

Science communication and writing

Public speaking and events
Content creation
  • Master in Comunicazione della Scienza, where I was part of the team that curated the content for the month of February 2025 (with E. Gallo, M. Merletti and M. Vadilonga Gattermayer)
  • Come Volevasi Divulgare, an Instagram account about mathematics (with M. Morbello, R. Tarditi, D. Volpatto and A. Zecchino)

I was the host and producer of a podcast called On A Tangent, where I interviewed early-career researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.