Picture of Simone Ramello, sitting in some university room and leaning on the desk.

Simone Ramello

Mathematics, outreach & occasional storytelling

listen to the first episode of on a tangent, hosted by yours truly!

About My name is Simone (he/him), and I am an Italian mathematician and science communicator, currently based in Münster, Germany. By day, I am a third-year PhD student at the Department for Mathematical Logic of the University of Münster, under the supervision of Franziska Jahnke and Martin Hils. I am also a member of the science communication team of the Cluster of Excellence “Mathematics Münster”.

Previously Before coming to Münster, I grew up somewhere in Piemonte, Northern Italy. I miss the sight of the Alps every day. I did both my Bachelor’s and Master’s studies at the Dipartimento di Matematica Giuseppe Peano of the University of Torino. I also worked as a scientific animator at Xké? Il Laboratorio della Curiosità, and co-founded a mathematics outreach collective called Come Volevasi Divulgare.

Organizing I have a tendency to be involved in too many things. Here is a list of some stuff that I have (co-)organized recently.

Some useful links