Simone Ramello

mathematician and science communicator

👋 Ciao! My name is Simone (he/him), and I am currently a student of the corso di perfezionamento in science communication at SISSA, in Trieste. Before moving to Trieste, I did a PhD in mathematics at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, working in the model theory of valued fields.
🌊 Nowadays, I care about the relationship between mathematics and society, the narratives around the subject, and their influences on how its uses are policed and understood.

📰 Ho una newsletter in italiano in cui mi lamento di matematica, dati e società. Si chiama Chi ha i denti non ha i dati.

🖋️ some things i wrote

📖 academic work

🎙️ When I was in Münster, I was host and producer of a podcast called On A Tangent, where I interviewed early career mathematicians from the Cluster. There is a new episode out, where I discuss headbutting gnomes and the mysteries of infinity categories with Edith Hübner.

ciao [at] simoneramello [dot] it